
Getting Involved

When God calls us to a church, he calls us to something more than one hour on Sunday morning.  In 1 Peter, the Apostle spoke to Christians who were scattered around modern-day Turkey.  These believers were marginalized and alone.  Peter’s message to them was that they had both an inheritance in heaven and a new family on earth.  He called them “Chose People,” and “Living Stones” that were being constructed into a kind of new temple. 

What he was describing was a family of believers that spent time together worshipping and caring for each other.  When we get involved in church, it’s not because it’s another social club.  It’s because we are being crafted by God into something new.

There are many ways to be involved at Church of the Holy Spirit.


Discipleship is modeling and teaching Christians the precepts of the Bible-mainly prayer, doctrine, Christian living, and worship.  In discipleship, we are equipped to understand God’s word so that it might impact the ways we live, think, and act.  From adult Bible studies to children’s Sunday school and programs like Cursillo, there are many opportunities to engage in personal growth and following Jesus.

Service Opportunities

These are areas in the church where you may feel led to be directly involved.  We all have different talents and each of us has something to offer as volunteers at Church of the Holy Spirit.  There are many ways for laypeople to serve during the worship service.  You may want to be an usher, or reader, or Lay Eucharistic Minister.  Maybe behind the scenes is best.  There are opportunities from the Altar Guild to sound and livestreaming.  There are opportunities to work with youth, to join the women’s ministry.  We pretty much have a place for anyone to plug in.

Mission & Outreach

CHS supports several local missions.  We bring both financial gifts and labor to support the less fortunate with our own Feeding Apopka’s Hungry ministry.  We also support Loaves and Fishes, an Apopka food bank, and the Debbie Turner Cancer Center which offers counseling and support for families dealing with cancer. 


Episcopal Young Christians, or EYC, is the Episcopal Church’s youth ministry.  At CHS our EYC has it’s own youth building, the Reedy-McCrae Youth House.  At least twice a year, retreats are offered at Central Florida’s own Camp Wingman. 

Learn more about Church of the Holy Spirit