Service Opportunities

grace in serving in the church


One of the beautiful things about Anglican worship is how much it incorporates lay ministers of all ages in the service.  Worship at Church of the Holy Spirit would not be the same without the vast number of people involved both in front and behind the scenes.  From musicians, acolytes, and readers, Anglican worship has historically been a place where all may give their talents in worship of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Beyond worship, there are many opportunities to be actively involved in the day to day life of the church.

serving on Sunday Morning


Ushering and Greeting

The Ushers and Greeters are there every Sunday or special service, standing on the front steps and in the narthex to welcome newcomers, visitors and regular attendees with a cheerful “hello”. They pass out bulletins and make an effort to assist visitors with finding a seat with a member of the congregation to guide them during the service if needed. During the service they serve to collect the offering and direct people to the altar rail for communion. After the 10:30 service the Ushers prepare a summary of the unsealed offerings from both services for the church bookkeeper.


From ancient times until now acolytes have been faithful and conscientious men, women, boys and girls, who love the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to serve Him at his sacred altar. It is an honor to be selected as one who serves in this special ministry to God and God’s people.

Requirements: You must be member of CHS, be willing to attend training sessions and to serve as scheduled.

Is God calling you? If so, please speak with our parish priest.


Each Sunday during both services at Church of the Holy Spirit, God’s Holy Word is read aloud by a Lector as the congregation silently follows a printed version included in the bulletin. Appointed lessons from the Old Testament and New Testament are read by lay people. The Psalm is led by a lay person except during liturgical seasons when the Psalm or Canticle is sung responsively by the choir and congregation. The Gospel is always read by our clergy at Rite I and Rite II Services of Holy Eucharist.

Worship Team & Choir

Throughout the year the Worship team and Choir prepares hearts for both Word and Sacrament through songs of praise and worship to our Lord at the 10:30 a.m. Service on Sundays.  During special services, additional musicians add to the variety and increased participation in the Music Ministry.

This is a church that likes to sing, whether from the choir loft or pew. If you have a love for music and worship, why not join us?

Lay Eucharistic Minister

The Lay Eucharistic Ministers are lay people, licensed by the Bishop of the Dioceses, to assist in the administering of the sacraments of the Eucharist.  Lay Eucharistic Ministers typically offer the communal cup of wine at the altar but since COVID, they have assisted the priest in administering the pre-intincted wafers during the service.  The LEM plays a vital role in assisting the priest and helping Eucharist go as smoothly as possible.

Prayer team

Intercessory Prayer Team (IPT) is a servant ministry dedicated to the glory of God and the healing of His people. Trained LAY PERSONS are commissioned by our priest before the congregation to serve in this HANDS-ON MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION during regularly scheduled services and special programs.  In addition, the Prayer Team adds to parish life by sponsoring Prayer Vigils for Convention and open house during various parish events.  NOTE: This ministry has temporarily suspended during COVID to maintain safe social distancing.

Weekly Volunteers


There are many opportunities throughout the week to offer volunteer services.  From setup and clean up of events to administrative tasks in the office.  If you would like to offer your time to the church as a volunteer, please contact the priest or email the church secretary at

Children and Youth activities

From Sunday School to our yearly VBS program, there are always opportunities to serve the smallest members of Church of the Holy Spirit.


Women of the Church


The WOC demonstrate their faith through their support of both social activities and fundraising. Social events include luncheons, Parish Christmas parties, and quarterly outings to a favorite venue or restaurant. Fundraising has primarily been supported by the Annual Christmas Bazaar and a Spring Yard Sale.

The Women of the church also oversee and contribute to the Bernice Walker Scholarship Fund that offers an annual college scholarship to a graduating high school senior who is an active member of the Church of the Holy Spirit.

All women who are members of CHS are considered a part of the Women of the Church and are invited to all meetings and activities.

Caribbean Committee

Building on the distinctives of the many cultures found in the Caribbean islands, The Caribbean Committee strives to be a vibrant blend of all ages coming together to provide Community Outreach with activities, events, and financial support.  The group aspires to be God driven, giving and sharing the love of Christ in the community.


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