
Grace in Giving


Throughout the Old Testament, God’s people worshipped him by bringing sacrifices: gifts for God that are precious and costly. The sacrifices began with the best animals from their flocks and herds, and continued with the first fruit and grain from their farms and fields, and gifts from the gold and silver they earned from working.  How much did God expect? Beginning in Genesis 14:20 and echoed time after time in the Bible, the tithe (10% of our income) was the amount mentioned as the acceptable sacrifice to God.

In the New Testament, we don’t worship with animal sacrifices because Jesus’ death on the cross makes him “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” But God still calls us to give by offering “our selves: our souls and bodies to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice,” which includes giving God a portion of our time, talent, and treasure.

Our monetary gifts to God are sacrifices and are as much an act of worship as singing the hymns, praying the prayers, listening to the lessons, or taking Communion.  We have the opportunity to treat our financial gifts as what they are: worship.  And as we do, we’ll find that God pulls us ever closer to himself, just as he always does when we worship.

Ways To Give


By Text

Text HolySpiritApopka to 73256

By Mail

Church of the Holy Spirit

601 S Highland Ave

Apopka, FL 32703

Support pledge


The Church is made up of folks from every station of life, and different means.  We all come to the family table offering our time, talent, and treasure.  It is not enough to show up every Sunday and call that your gift to God.  Nor is it enough to serve and call that your tithe.  God calls upon us to give from all three.

Simply put, the pledge is an estimate of the “treasure” part of our giving that will be available to fund the church budget.  Most people see that as paying staff and keeping the lights on, but it is so much more than that.  Your Pledge is a commitment to the life-changing work of this church.

God has uniquely called Church of the Holy Spirit to have a spiritual impact on our neighborhood, the city, and the world.  Together, we have been seeking God to refine and rebuild that calling.  And he is answering those prayers.  Your pledge supports the very work that God is doing in and through each of us.

Our church Pledge is also a vital part of our spiritual health.  If Jesus is really Lord of our lives, then he is Lord over everything, including our time, talent, and treasure.  Because Jesus is Lord, we should ask him how he’d like us to use our time, talent, and treasure.

Our Pledge is simply writing down what God is putting on our hearts to give for the coming year.  Every year at this time we are prompted to ask God: “What would you like me to give this coming year? How much time? Which of my

As you pray about how you might give, please ask God what he’d like to do through the Church of the Holy Spirit in the next year. Then listen for what your part is in making that happen through your Pledge of your time, your talent, and your treasure.

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