


Prayer at CHS

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External Links


Episcopal Church Resources...

The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida: The EDCF website contains information regarding diocesan activities, church locations, and resources. Messages from Bishop Brewer and the Diocese newsletter are also found at this location.

The Episcopal Church: A visitors center offers excellent information on the Episcopal Church from its history to its current ministries and organizations.


Intro to Anglicanism...

The Anglican Compass is a guide to all things Anglican.  It is especially helpful if you are new to the Episcopal Church and the Anglican worship service.


Liturgical and lectionary resources including links to the Book of Common Prayer, the scripture readings for Sunday Eucharist, and the daily office can be found at the locations below.

The Book of Common Prayer

The Lectionary Page

Scriptures for The Daily Office


Other Links...

These are links to websites that offer deeper study, challenging discussion, and teaching that will help grow your understanding and faith in the Lord.

The Video Bible: Experience the Bible like you've never seen it.  Listen to an unabridged recording while watching the text unfold in video.

Bible Project: Making the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere, via free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources.

Mockingbird Ministries:  Connecting the Christian faith with the realities of everyday life.

Third Millennium Ministries:  Biblical Education, For the World, For Free.  Seminary-level courses, in a History Channel-like format, in multiple languages, and all for free.

Premier Christian Radio Show: Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley.



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